Intellectual property law

What can our intellectual property law attorneys do for you?

Intellectual property law is the area of law that protects your creative endeavors. It is a collective term that encompasses a number of rights, including copyright, trademark, patent, database and design rights. These rights see to the protection of specific things, such as software, texts or the name of your product or service. You need to protect your know-how and trade secrets in other ways.

Where we can support you 

We advise our clients on all aspects of intellectual property law and the protection of know-how and trade secrets. For example, we help our clients by:

  • drafting contracts, such as cooperation agreements, non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and licensing and operating agreements;
  • drafting intellectual property rights clauses in employment contracts and assignment agreements;
  • advising and - if necessary - litigating on infringements of intellectual property rights;
  • performing due diligence with respect to intellectual property rights when selling a company;
  • advising on the (online) use of domain names, trademarks and trade names;
  • (re)structuring intellectual property rights and within a group of companies.

Our lawyers are based in The Hague

Are you looking for an intellectual property lawyer? You are welcome to come to our office in The Hague. Our intellectual property lawyers have the right knowledge and expertise to assist you. Although our office is located in The Hague, we operate throughout the Netherlands.

Need legal support?

For more information, please contact Robbert Delissen or someone from the intellectual property law team. They will be happy to assist you.

Team Intellectual property law

Melvin (M.) van Tiel

Melvin (M.) van Tiel

Attorney at law

Robbert (R.W.M.L.) Delissen

Robbert (R.W.M.L.) Delissen

Attorney at law/managing partner

Nieuws binnen Intellectueel Eigendomsrecht

Any questions about intellectueel eigendomsrecht?
Please contact Robbert (R.W.M.L.) Delissen

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