Compliance  in this day and age.

The term compliance refers to promoting quality and integrity by complying with the rules that apply to the organisation. These are the rules about office organisation, rules of conduct, rules governing day-to-day operations, or integrity.

We work on behalf of the boards of law firms, notary firms, accounting and tax consultancy firms to strengthen the office organisation. The first stage consists of an analysis and assessment of compliance. It may involve compliance with AML/Wwft or other professional rules. The next phase consists of advice, on the basis of which improvements and adjustments are made. Finally, the firm's employees are trained. The courses focus on specific practice and daily operations, are aimed at strengthening the quality of the organisation and meet the standards of professional bodies and regulators.

In this consultancy Bas Martens works together with mr Suzanne Hendrickx of Advius, see In most cases, a team is formed together.

Bas Martens
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Team compliance

Bas Martens

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