Joint ownership

Newly married or considering divorce? Do you have questions about dividing assets and debts? Property can be complex, especially when emotions and finances come together. For example, what happens to your home equity after a divorce? What about debts incurred before you got married? These questions are crucial when you are faced with important decisions.

At Delissen Martens we understand that each situation is unique. Our team of family law lawyers is ready to provide you with tailored advice so that you are well informed and your interests are protected.

What is community property?

Community of property means that you and your partner share all your assets and debts, unless other arrangements have been made, for example in a prenuptial agreement. This can have complicated legal consequences, especially when it comes to dividing up assets in the event of divorce. As of 2018, the legal system is one of limited community property, where only what you acquire during the marriage becomes community property.
Pre-marital assets, gifts and inheritances therefore remain private property. If you draw up a prenuptial agreement, you can still include these assets in the community.

Do you need legal advice on community property issues?

The division of assets and debts requires careful attention and advice. At Delissen Martens we combine in-depth legal knowledge with a commitment to your personal situation. Whether you are looking for advice or assistance with proceedings, we will be with you from start to finish.

Sandra Verburgt
Questions about this area of law?
Please contact Sandra Verburgt

Team family law

Sandra Verburgt

Attorney at law/partner

Mariska Schreuders

Attorney at law

Petra Beishuizen

Attorney at law/mediator/partner

Fabian Buizer


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