Business mediation

Business mediation

Are you facing tensions within your management team, medical partnership, or family business? Are you dealing with a dysfunctional director who is straining relationships? With emotions and financial interests running high, a business conflict can be very complex. Mediation offers a solution that allows you to address these conflicts constructively before they escalate into protracted litigation. Our experienced lawyers and mediators are available at Delissen Martens to guide you to an appropriate and efficient solution.

When is business conflict mediation relevant to you?

Business mediation is a valuable tool for any business seeking to avoid or resolve conflicts without the costly and lengthy path of legal proceedings. But when is the time to engage a mediator? Mediation can provide a solution in d evolving situations:

  • Conflicts between directors, shareholders or supervisory board members within the boardroom or RVC.
  • Tensions or disagreements within a family business that threaten its survival, such as succession within the family.
  • Disagreements between partners in a partnership or joint venture or (medical) partnership.
  • Labor disputes at the management level.

By involving a mediator, you can prevent escalation and work in a focused way toward a solution where all parties are heard and compromise is possible.

Boardroom mediation: for conflicts at the top

Within the boardroom, it is important to collaborate and communicate effectively. When conflicts arise between directors, shareholders or board members, it can disrupt the strategic direction of the company and lead to unnecessary losses. Boardroom mediation specifically addresses these high-level disputes. An independent and experienced mediator helps to re-establish communication, explore interests, and find a solution that moves the company forward without public damage or legal wrangling. Mediation provides a discreet and efficient way to resolve issues at a time when transparency and good governance are essential.

Family businesses and partnerships: mediation for lasting solutions

Family businesses and partnerships have a unique dynamic in which business and personal interests are often intertwined. This can lead to complex conflicts over business succession, vision, and division of responsibilities. These disputes can cause deep rifts within the family and threaten the survival of the business. Mediation provides a solution by giving all parties an opportunity to express their views and work together toward a lasting solution. The mediator monitors the process and ensures that the dialogue continues in a constructive manner, so that family ties are preserved and the business can continue to be successful.

Our lawyers' role as mediators

Our lawyers combine legal expertise with the skills of an experienced mediator. It also assures that the resolution is within the law. Our mediators have broad knowledge and experience in both corporate law and the specific dynamics within family businesses, partnerships and boards of directors. That enables them to contribute effectively to de-escalation and lasting solutions.

Get in touch with a mediator

Interested in seeing if mediation can help with your business conflict? Contact us today. Our mediators are ready to work with you to find a solution that is acceptable to all parties.

Petra Beishuizen
Questions about this area of law?
Please contact Petra Beishuizen

Team mediation

Petra Beishuizen

Attorney at law/mediator/partner

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