Mediation en familiekwesties

Mediation and family

Are you dealing with family conflicts? Are you struggling to communicate with each other, and are conflicts threatening to escalate? Or are you facing difficult decisions about divorce or the care of a family member? Reaching a solution together can sometimes seem impossible. In these situations, mediation offers a solution.

When is family mediation relevant to you?

Mediation is a suitable solution for a variety of family conflicts. For example:

  • Divorces/cohabitations in which both the division of assets and the care of children must be settled.
  • Conflicts regarding inheritance and inheritance, in which emotions run high and family ties are under pressure.
  • Differences of opinion about the care of the elderly, financial or medical, or disputes within a family business.

Instead of going to court, you can choose to cooperate with a mediator to find solutions that are acceptable to all parties. Mediation allows you to work in a confidential environment to reach an agreement that is acceptable to all parties. It is a process that focuses on your interests. It is designed to preserve family relationships for the long term.

Why choose mediation?

The focus of mediation is on co-operation and mutual understanding, with you in control of the outcome. This is in contrast to litigation, where a judge decides. It is a quicker and often less expensive resolution.
Together with the mediator, you determine the arrangements and timeframe for the mediation. In mediation, you can reach a total solution and include issues that may not fit into a legal dispute or require separate proceedings.
Our mediators will help you to create a safe and constructive environment where you can work together towards a solution. All mediators are members of the Mediation Federation of the Netherlands (MfN) or the Association of Family and Divorce Mediators (vFAS). Thinking about whether mediation is the best choice for your situation? Contact us for a free consultation.
Merienke (M.M.) Zwaan-Stroband
Questions about this area of law?
Please contact Petra Beishuizen

Team mediation

Petra Beishuizen

Attorney at law/mediator/partner

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