Hendrik (H.) Sytema
Attorney at law/partner
Hendrik graduated in criminal law and has worked as a criminal lawyer since 2001. After his graduation, he was a lecturer at Leiden University until 2001.
Hendrik handles commune and economic criminal cases for both individuals and businesses. He also assists professionals such as lawyers and notaries in disciplinary matters.
From 2013 to 2020 he was a member of the Bar Council (criminal law portfolio) in the district of The Hague, most recently also as acting dean. He is also a lecturer in criminal law at, among others, the Hague Bar Association and has been a lecturer in criminal law at the Dutch Bar Association for many years.
His Approach
Hendrik's approach is characterized by a broad view of the case and the client. His experience as deputy judge enables him to understand which arguments are likely to succeed in court. A realistic view of the case is crucial in order to best serve clients' interests.
/ Expertise
View the CV of Hendrik
University of Groningen, 1998
Professional associations
- Dutch Association of Defence Counsel (NVSA)
- Dutch Association of Supreme Court lawyers in criminal matters (VCAS)
Additional positions
- Member of 'Raad van de Orde arrondissement Den Haag'
- Lecturer Criminal Law at the Haagsche Orde van Advocaten
English, German, Dutch