René Willemsen

Attorney at law/partner

René has about thirty years of experience as a lawyer in the field of Corporate law. Surely, he is up to date on the latest developments in laws and regulations, but he also knows what is going on in the market and what it takes to make an organisation legally sound.

René advices his clients on liability issues, commercial and shareholder disputes, reorganisations, restructurings and takeovers. He engages with his clients in discussions with the counter party and represents his clients at different judicial authorities, including the Enterprise Chamber of the Amsterdam Court of Appeal.

His approach

With his knowledge and experience, combined with a pleasant no-nonsense mentality, René is a valued sparring partner of entrepreneurs and management boards of institutions in all areas of corporate law. He is also often involved by tax specialists and accountants in legal issues they identify with their clients. His ability to quickly get to the heart of the matter proves his value time and again.


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View the CV of Rene


Catholic University of Nijmegen (Radboud University), Civil Law, 1991

Professional associations


Dutch, English, German